AHP Servicing

Fee Schedule

Fee Type Amount Description
Late Charge Fee Calculated according to the terms of the loan documents Fee the homeowner pays when a mortgage payment is made after the due date grace period.   This fee is calculated as a percentage of the payment stated in Note and/or Security Agreement and subject to state law limits.
NSF or Dishonored Check Fee $0 We do not charge a fee when a payment by check is returned as not paid by your bank because of insufficient funds in the checking account.   State law may dictate fee.
Prepayment Fee Calculated according to the terms of the loan documents The loan documents may require you to pay an additional fee if you pay off your loan in advance of the maturity date.
Online Payment Processing $0 We do not charge a fee for payments made online to make an electronic debit payment directly from your account
Check-by-Phone Payment Processing $0 We do not charge a fee for phone payments made.
Fax Fee $0 We do not charge a fee for sending documents via facsimile.
Loss Mitigation Processing $0 We do not charge a fee for processing loss mitigation applications.
Amortization Schedule $0 We do not charge a fee for providing a copy of an amortization schedule.
Loan Modification $0 We do not charge a fee for a mortgage modification.
Payoff Statement Fee $0 We do not charge a fee for providing a payoff quote.
Payment History $0 We do not charge a fee for providing a copy of your payment history.
Copy of loan documents $0 We do not charge a fee for providing a copy of your loan documents upon request.
Property Inspection Fee $20 – $35 Property inspection fees are performed to determine if the property is occupied or vacant and appropriately maintained.    The vendor costs are passed through to you without mark up us – you are charged actual costs.
Broker Price Opinion Fee $89.00 – $195.00 Fee charged for retaining a broker or other qualified individual to determine the value and condition of the property.  The vendor costs are passed through to you without mark up us – you are charged actual costs.
Appraisal Fee $395.00 – $1,500.00 Fee charged for appraisal used to determine the value and condition of the property. The appraiser vendor costs are passed through to you without mark-up by us – you are charged actual costs.
Title Search Fee $130.00 Fee paid to third party for title searches required by lender or guarantor for loss mitigation reviews.
Foreclosure Attorney Fees and Costs Varies Fees and costs associated with protection of collateral. Foreclosure attorney fees and costs will vary by filing type and are limited to the actual fees and costs. State law may limit costs.
Bankruptcy Attorney Fees and Costs Varies Fees and costs associated with preserving obligation once a borrower bankruptcy has been initiated. Bankruptcy attorney fees and costs will vary by bankruptcy chapter type and are limited to actual fees and costs, and are charged in accordance with investor guidelines, where applicable.
Property Preservation Costs Varies Fees required to preserve the property. Will vary according to each situation and required expenses, and are limited to actual fees and costs.
Verification of Mortgage $10.00 Fee required to provide a documentation of the monthly payment history, account balance, and history of loan to a third party. State law may dictate the fee amount, and these will only be charged where permitted by state law.
Express Mail Fee Actual charge Actual charge from delivery service provider (such as UPS or FedEx) for expedited delivery of documents.